Know Your Rights Youth Summit – Los Angeles area youth

Nov 5, 2017 | Painted Posts

The “Compassion in Action: Know Your Rights” Youth Leadership Summit 2018 event will be held at the Pico Youth and Family (PYFC) in Santa Monica on Saturday Jan 13th, 9am-4pm and location TBD on Sunday, January 14th 1-5pm.

Compassionate California is hosting this event at Pico Youth and Family Center, Center Director, Oscar De La Torre is working in partnership with Felecia (Fe Love) Lenee Williaims as Coordinator and Director of Youth Programs, Compassionate ARTS in Action/Posts for Peace and Justice.

 Compassionate California holds the vision for a state that is unified in its commitment to effectively preserve healthy, equitable and resilient communities through the methods of cooperation, collaboration and collective impact through compassionate action. We believe that insuring a state that focuses on the values of compassionate action and compassionate decision making acts as a much-needed model for the global community.

Together with Compassionate Partners, Cities, and Organizations within California we are fostering the fundamental principles and practices of universal respect supporting social/racial justice and making compassion a clear, luminous and dynamic force in our polarized world.

 At the Youth Summit, we expect to convene 80- 100 of our Los Angeles community’s youth from various racial, ethnic, socioeconomic backgrounds, cultures and spiritual faiths for a critical dialogue and partnership on how to become more effective compassionate leaders.

The event is designed to educate, empower and encourage compassionate dialogue and collaboration between concerned youth with their community leaders at all levels, including advocates of Black Lives Matter, DACA, religious and spiritual leaders, law enforcement, elected officials, and others.

There will be interactive educational presentations, and empowering artistic collaborations, all while engaging in a compassionate dialogue for effective and lasting change.   Posts for Peace & Justice will be facilitating collaborative, hands-on workshops resulting in 7 completed 8-foot “Posts”  –  “compassionate visual conversations,” which will be exhibited and “posted” in social media.  

This Project is growing internationally and exhibited in the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, The Carter Center and Washington, D.C.  (; Facebook: Posts for Peace and Justice Project.)

Panelists are also invited to mentor/support one of the 7 “Compassionate ARTS in Action workstations, with Posts for Peace and Justice Co-Director, Kira Carrillo Corser.  Each Post (8’x5”x5”) is a collaborative effort with 10-15 participants artistically contributing during six, 45-minute break-out sessions throughout the weekend with in-depth exploration and dialogue to a specific topic.

Planned topics for the Posts are:

 1.     Privilege in the U.S.A.— Mental Health, ADA, Socio-Economic, Racial, etc.

 2.    Compassionate ARTS/Pico Youth and Family Center

 3.    Hope: In Solidarity of Black Lives

 4.    Compassionate Cops: Protecting and Serving All

 5.     Soaring: Youth Leadership Empowering A Higher Education

 6.    Dreamers: In Solidarity of Immigrant Lives

 7.     Know Your Rights

We do hope you can join us for this “Compassion in Action: How do we keep it Honest & Civil?” Youth Summit!  Please let us know your interest, and email requested items to Felecia “Fe Love” Lenee Williams at


Youth Summit Coordination Team, Compassionate California: Felecia “Fe Love” Lenee Williams, Lora O’Connor, Jo Ann Gaines, Carla Baldassari, Jennifer Colby and Kira Carrillo Corser
Compassionate California,

Compassionate California is a proud project of EarthWays Foundation, a non-profit public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.




After the worst fires in USA history, Compassionate Arts in Action in partnership with Posts for Peace and Justice, My Tribe Rise, and Pasadena Four Square Church Painted three (8 foot tall x 5 in) - “HOPE and HEALING FIRE POSTS.” These 3 Art Posts, and 2 more in the...

Empowerment Posts for Women’s Health Threats

Empowerment Posts for Women’s Health Threats

Empowerment Posts for Women's Health Threats, 6 Posts about the mission of the National Cheers Foundation were completed during the months of July-Nov, including 28 participants from Southern California.  The project hopes to save lives, Lead artists Kira Corser and...

Compassionate CA – Supporting Black Lives, Migrant Youth, Compassionate Cops

Compassionate California's #CompassionInAction artists, working with others for peace and justice, grew out of our Compassion in Action Youth Summit in Los Angeles in October 2016. This summit, chaired by Fe Love and Carol Salazar Loweree with the help of other CC...

Refugee & Immigrant kids – United Nations Posts – Chase Ave School, CA

Refugee &  Immigrant Children -United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Posts The city of El Cajon has welcomed thousands of refugees in the last 5 years,  the 10,000th Syrian refuge arrived last month.  Most of the children we interviewed on video spoke of...

V Day – One Billion Rising Atlanta

Atlanta City Hall and BeltLine events, Pat Mitchell  acting as MC, in City Hall. See her speak here Kira Corser's silks made with Iraqi Refugee Children were hung, and Posts made by 70 people in workshops led by Kira and Lisa were on stage last year, and this year the...

Wow, 64 Posts, 2000 participants, 5 states, and more PPJ planned for 2017!

We have been working hard over the last 2 years seeking like minded creatives and funders to join us in a remarkable hope and community skill building project.  Here is an overall list of our Posts so far, including California, Georgia, Arkansas, Washington DC, New...

African Post, Song for Peace, Carter Center

African Woman's Song for Peace Post - Carter Center, Atlanta GA is holding a forum with people around the world working on human rights issues. We are working on a Posts For Peace and Justice Exhibit and presentation of How International Human Rights Defenders can use...

Soledad, CA Main Street Middle School, First Night Monterey Artworks

We taught a First Night Monterey Artworks Workshop at Main Street Middle School, in Soledad, California. We taught 3 days, with school staff and the school principal, Jesse Swift,  in the After-school Program and during in-school time when the art classes usually...

The “Compassion in Action: Know Your Rights” Youth Leadership Summit 2017 event will be held at the Pico Youth and Family (PYFC) in Santa Monica on Saturday Jan 13th, 9am-4pm and location TBD on Sunday, January 14th 1-5pm.


 Compassionate California is hosting this event at Pico Youth and Family Center, Center Director, Oscar De La Torre is working in partnership with Felecia (Fe Love) Lenee Williaims as Coordinator and Director of Youth Programs, Compassionate ARTS in Action/Posts for Peace and Justice.



 Compassionate California holds the vision for a state that is unified in its commitment to effectively preserve healthy, equitable and resilient communities through the methods of cooperation, collaboration and collective impact through compassionate action. We believe that insuring a state that focuses on the values of compassionate action and compassionate decision making acts as a much-needed model for the global community.

 Together with Compassionate Partners, Cities, and Organizations within California we are fostering the fundamental principles and practices of universal respect supporting social/racial justice and making compassion a clear, luminous and dynamic force in our polarized world.

 At the Youth Summit, we expect to convene 80- 100 of our Los Angeles community’s youth from various racial, ethnic, socioeconomic backgrounds, cultures and spiritual faiths for a critical dialogue and partnership on how to become more effective compassionate leaders.

 The event is designed to educate, empower and encourage compassionate dialogue and collaboration between concerned youth with their community leaders at all levels, including advocates of Black Lives Matter, DACA, religious and spiritual leaders, law enforcement, elected officials, and others.

There will be interactive educational presentations, and empowering artistic collaborations, all while engaging in a compassionate dialogue for effective and lasting change.   Posts for Peace & Justice will be facilitating collaborative, hands-on workshops resulting in 7 completed 8-foot “Posts”  –  “compassionate visual conversations,” which will be exhibited and “posted” in social media.  

This Project is growing internationally and exhibited in the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, The Carter Center and Washington, D.C.  (; Facebook: Posts for Peace and Justice Project.)

 Panelists are also invited to mentor/support one of the 7 “Compassionate ARTS in Action workstations, with Posts for Peace and Justice Co-Director, Kira Carrillo Corser.  Each Post (8’x5”x5”) is a collaborative effort with 10-15 participants artistically contributing during six, 45-minute break-out sessions throughout the weekend with in-depth exploration and dialogue to a specific topic.

Planned topics for the Posts are:

1.     Privilege in the U.S.A.— Mental Health, ADA, Socio-Economic, Racial, etc.

2.    Compassionate ARTS/Pico Youth and Family Center

3.    Hope: In Solidarity of Black Lives

4.    Compassionate Cops: Protecting and Serving All

 5.     Soaring: Youth Leadership Empowering A Higher Education

 6.    Dreamers: In Solidarity of Immigrant Lives

 7.     Know Your Rights

 We do hope you can join us for this “Compassion in Action: How do we keep it Honest & Civil?” Youth Summit!  Please let us know your interest, and email requested items to Felecia “Fe Love” Lenee Williams at



 Youth Summit Coordination Team, Compassionate California:




Felecia “Fe Love” Lenee Williams, Lora O’Connor, Jo Ann Gaines, Carla Baldassari, Jennifer Colby and Kira Carrillo Corser




Compassionate California,




Compassionate California is a proud project of EarthWays Foundation, a non-profit public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.









After the worst fires in USA history, Compassionate Arts in Action in partnership with Posts for Peace and Justice, My Tribe Rise, and Pasadena Four Square Church Painted three (8 foot tall x 5 in) - “HOPE and HEALING FIRE POSTS.” These 3 Art Posts, and 2 more in the...

Empowerment Posts for Women’s Health Threats

Empowerment Posts for Women’s Health Threats

Empowerment Posts for Women's Health Threats, 6 Posts about the mission of the National Cheers Foundation were completed during the months of July-Nov, including 28 participants from Southern California.  The project hopes to save lives, Lead artists Kira Corser and...

Compassionate CA – Supporting Black Lives, Migrant Youth, Compassionate Cops

Compassionate California's #CompassionInAction artists, working with others for peace and justice, grew out of our Compassion in Action Youth Summit in Los Angeles in October 2016. This summit, chaired by Fe Love and Carol Salazar Loweree with the help of other CC...

Refugee & Immigrant kids – United Nations Posts – Chase Ave School, CA

Refugee &  Immigrant Children -United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Posts The city of El Cajon has welcomed thousands of refugees in the last 5 years,  the 10,000th Syrian refuge arrived last month.  Most of the children we interviewed on video spoke of...

V Day – One Billion Rising Atlanta

Atlanta City Hall and BeltLine events, Pat Mitchell  acting as MC, in City Hall. See her speak here Kira Corser's silks made with Iraqi Refugee Children were hung, and Posts made by 70 people in workshops led by Kira and Lisa were on stage last year, and this year the...

Wow, 64 Posts, 2000 participants, 5 states, and more PPJ planned for 2017!

We have been working hard over the last 2 years seeking like minded creatives and funders to join us in a remarkable hope and community skill building project.  Here is an overall list of our Posts so far, including California, Georgia, Arkansas, Washington DC, New...

African Post, Song for Peace, Carter Center

African Woman's Song for Peace Post - Carter Center, Atlanta GA is holding a forum with people around the world working on human rights issues. We are working on a Posts For Peace and Justice Exhibit and presentation of How International Human Rights Defenders can use...

Soledad, CA Main Street Middle School, First Night Monterey Artworks

We taught a First Night Monterey Artworks Workshop at Main Street Middle School, in Soledad, California. We taught 3 days, with school staff and the school principal, Jesse Swift,  in the After-school Program and during in-school time when the art classes usually...

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