Kira Corser
Felecia (Fe Love) Lenee
We are a Partnership Collaboration
with Posts For Peace And Justice

Compassionate ARTS in Action
WHO ARE WE: Compassionate ARTS listens to the needs of clients and then coaches and consults on how the ARTS can aid in empowering and building leadership skills while also mentoring youth.
WHAT WE ARE DOING: We are a collaborative group of artists/educators that design intergenerational creative projects to promote civic engagement, compassion, justice and equality.
OUR VISION: In the last 4 years: * We have worked with refugee students and families helping raise over $20,000 in funds while teaching about leadership and compassion; * with immigrant high school and university students and faculty, combining voices about immigration, equality and innovation in industry; * with Black and Brown Youth concerned about equality, safety and justice; * with cities and interfaith organizations promoting nonviolence and educating on community programs, * and with nonprofits and SeaChanges.org to promote a Compassionate Cure for Climate Chaos: When Black and Brown Go Green.
Our collaborations can include: consulting, coaching, research, planning events, recording stories, performance, visual art making and exhibitions. This collaborative combination does 3 things: (1) it educates in innovative ways (2) it facilitates “compassionate conversations” to heal and reduce trauma and (3) it builds empathy, resilience and hope.
HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT: We invite you to partner with us to sponsor, host, or volunteer. We want to support you in solving your needs. For example, we formed a partnership in Pasadena with Council-member Tyron Hampton and his office, bringing local “Compassionate Cops,” coming together with youth, a gang interventionist, drum circles, yoga studios, Flintridge Center, legal rights specialists, educators, policy makers, artists, and community leaders to help repair and heal their beautiful community.
We participate in partnerships. In addition to consulting, producing workshops and presentations with Posts for Peace and Justice and Compassionate California our Co-founders have worked in: Atlanta with Lisa Parsons and One Billion Rising for Justice, Interfaith Coalitions, the U.S. Human Rights Network, The Carter Center, and in California with Migrant Education, the San Diego Visual Arts Network, 3 Universities, and 12 schools including: Los Angeles, Pasadena, Fallbrook, Santa Monica, Monterey County, Sacramento, Santa Rosa, El Cajon, San Diego CA and in 3 other states.
2019 Highlights:
- We are working with our Compassionate California partner, Charter for Compassion, and Compassionate Cities/Communities to aid the passage of “Compassionate California” Resolution (ACR 108) pending vote by the California State Legislature. Its passage would declare California to be the first Compassionate State in the U.S.A.
- We produced an exhibition, performance, book and videos inviting 13 artists from 5 cities, titled “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me: Hope Inspired through Art,” based on Maya Angelou’s poem and Fe Love’s performance at the Fallbrook Library, CA
- “When Black and Brown Go Green: A Compassionate Cure to Climate Chaos,” at Arlington Garden, produced by Fe Love in her month long artist residency sponsored by Side Street Projects (a nonprofit) in Pasadena, CA:
- We are planning the program for the “Visionaries Hub ” (3 days of activities) at the Visionaries Summit in Sacramento sponsored by the Shift Network Sept 19- 22.
2018 Highlights:
- We produced activities at California Vision 2020 (Conference & Culture Lab Workshops)
- Compassionate Conversations Arts Workshop at WE RISE (A festival improving mental health) with Posts for Peace and Justice
- INTO ACTION L.A. (A Celebration of Community Power + Cultural Resistance) Know Your Rights Workshop with Posts for Peace and Justice
- Exhibition of 12 Posts and participation in break out meetings at The United State of Women (including speakers Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris)
- WELCOMING THE STRANGER, we co-planned a Sisters in Silk Workshop with the San Diego Silk Guild and then co-planned a Refugee fundraiser, Shot and Edited a Documentary with a Video Screening and exhibition at the Beth Israel Center, La Jolla
Co-founder Kira Carrillo Corser has a 30 year history of social justice art impacting change, including PBS, the Carter Center, Center for Civil and Human Rights, national broadcasts with President Clinton on Health Access, in museums, conferences, state capitals and in U.S. Congress buildings. She has a Masters in Fine Art and a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism. She taught 8 years at Cal State University Monterey Bay, was Director of the Wellness for Children Project, Director of Arts and Education for Monterey County, and Coordinator for a 3-year James Irvine Foundation “Communities Advancing the Arts Initiative” at the Community Foundation for Monterey County. She has 4 books, 58 videos and 5 nationally traveled collaborative exhibitions.
Co-founder Felecia Lenee, better known as Fe Love to her fans is the host and creator of the Artist Eclectic pLAygROUND, a “pop-up” event space that supports new as well as established artists and innovative entrepreneurs. She is on the Leadership Team for CompassionateCalifornia.org and works as the Youth Program Director for Posts for Peace and Justice. Felecia has a B.F.A. from CalArts where she trained as an actress. Her goals are to support youth, with a focus on health, public safety and social and environmental justice. Felecia’s recent public appearances highlighting youth include: March for Our Lives, Los Angeles, CA; Youth Action Summit, Memphis, TN, the U.S. Human Rights Network National Conference, Atlanta, GA. and the 26th Anniversary of the American Disabilities Act, at the White House. She has been in 16 films, has over 25 years of performing live on stage as a host and entertainer and in several podcasts promoting racial, gender equality and justice.
Partnership LINKS that we plan, consult and co-direct:
The Passing of a Great Man – President Jimmy Carter
International Human Rights Defenders ConferenceThe passing of a great man is mourned. Deep admiration for President Carter is felt. Meetings with him were cherished. Work with the Carter Center was valued. The Human Rights Defenders Forum in 2015 was attended. Over...
After the worst fires in USA history, Compassionate Arts in Action in partnership with Posts for Peace and Justice, My Tribe Rise, and Pasadena Four Square Church Painted three (8 foot tall x 5 in) - “HOPE and HEALING FIRE POSTS.” These 3 Art Posts, and 2 more in the...
Atlanta’s National Center for Civil & Human Rights
So happy we have the National Center for Civil and Human Rights (NCCHR) in Atlanta, Ga.! A great place to hear great speakers, do a walk through the history of the civil rights movement, and learn what you can do about your own civil and human rights. The Posts for...
The Pillars of Mableton
PHOTO ABOVE: From left to right, Tanya McCain, Director, Mable House Art Center with Lead Artists: Kira Corser, Lisa Parsons and Leslie Couch Mableton, Georgia: A Story of Resilience and Renewal Mableton, Georgia, became a city in 1912 but lost its cityhood...
Sacramento, State Conference “California Vision 2020 Youth Speak with Compassionate ARTS in the Culture Lab and on stage
Minneapolis, Minn. Art to Change the World, Compassionate ARTS, Police and South High School took part in art workshop, Compassionate Conversations with Police and students, and completed writing contest and an 8-foot painted post installed at the school on Safety and Justice.
Pasadena Compassionate ARTS in the Park with City Councilmember response to KNOW YOUR RIGHTS art workshop/yoga/compassionate conversations