by adminPFPeaceAndJustice | Jun 5, 2016 | California, California, Environmental Posts, Human Rights, Nature, Painted Posts, Religion & Faith Posts, Soledad
We taught a First Night Monterey Artworks Workshop at Main Street Middle School, in Soledad, California. We taught 3 days, with school staff and the school principal, Jesse Swift, in the After-school Program and during in-school time when the art classes usually...
by adminPFPeaceAndJustice | Jun 2, 2016 | California, Georgia, Human Rights, News & Events, Painted Posts, social Justice, Violence Against Women & Girls
We were invited to show art and participate at the Carter Center in January 2015, and again in June 2016. Last year we invited President Carter, his staff and 100 International Human Rights Defenders attending a forum on leadership against violence aimed at women and...