Atlanta City Hall and BeltLine events, Pat Mitchell acting as MC, in City Hall. See her speak here Kira Corser’s silks made with Iraqi Refugee Children were hung, and Posts made by 70 people in workshops led by Kira and Lisa were on stage last year, and this year the making of Posts encouraged the artists who made them to speak at the event on the Atlanta Beltline, along with the march, FlashDance and songs. Atlanta City Council gave One Billion Rising an award, including our Posts for Peace and Justice!
As part of One Billion Rising for Justice (OBR), on Valentines Day (Feb. 14) each year people around the world, Rise Up against violence toward women and girls. This past year OBR included art, dance, music and rising in every country.
In Atlanta, Lisa Parsons and Allison Gars are the leaders for OBR events. Last year we were part of the event in Atlanta City Hall Atrium, with Posts on stage. This year, 2016, our posts were carried as hundreds gathered on the Atlanta BeltLine to Rise, sing and support women and girls around the world. The Post shown below is one made for the United Nations with Lead Artists Charlotte Seefeldt and Lisa Parsons.
Joining a host of other active participants from the V-Day organization in Atlanta’s “One Billion Rising” revolution (OBR), Pat Mitchell, V-Day Board Chair shares information on the many Risings taking place simultaneously and throughout the year around the world. The OBR movement was conceived and initiated by Eve Ensler to add momentum and numbers to the worldwide movement to stop violence against women. This target is more specifically delineated into the objectives of the independently organized campaigns in each country, state, city, and community and ranges from job discrimination, to rape and abuse, to African cuttings and child and adolescent marriages, to sex slavery and forced submission, and other violence.