Posts for Peace and Justice Project – Genesis

Aug 14, 2015 | Art & Change: Social Justice

Cover of Garden Book Kira CorserThe creation of the Posts for Peace and Justice Project occurred when Kira Carrillo Corser met Lisa Parson at Marcia Weider’s Wealthy Visionaries conference in Los Angeles in July 2014. While viewing pictures of Kira’s garden posts in “Garden Arts Imaginative Ideas”, they came up with the concept of the Posts for Peace and Justice Project.

Garden Posts 2


The overall design of the posts includes symbols of the post participants (such as hands) at the bottom; story imagery about the problem at eye level; and inspiration at the top.

The pilot of The Posts for Peace and Justice Project started with two posts 8-foot commissioned by Lisa Parsons and One Billion Rising for Justice Atlanta: one for the Carter Center and one for the King Center.

President Carter smiles with the Carter Center Post, after he signed it with 100 international human rights defenders,
Feb. 2015

The Posts were exhibited at the Carter Center, King Center, and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. They were greeted with amazing outcomes and sparked an interest level which generated 21 painted posts, with an additional 7 in process, and over 400 participants involved in the conceptual and artistic process.

Future blog posts will describe each post in detail, including the concept of the post, participants, organizations, and location(s) created and exhibited, along with photos and video when appropriate.



Close up of the King Center Post, honoring Martin Luther King and his family with quotes and story images, Jan. 2015

Kira Carrillo Corser and Lisa Parsons, Co-Directors

Kira Carrillo Corser and Lisa Parsons, Project Co-Directors with Posts for Peace and Justice showing at One Billion Rising for Justice Atlanta event. Feb. 2015

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