A Growing National Project
The Passing of a Great Man – President Jimmy Carter
International Human Rights Defenders ConferenceThe passing of a great man is mourned. Deep admiration for President Carter is felt. Meetings with him were cherished. Work with the Carter Center was valued. The Human Rights Defenders Forum in 2015 was attended. Over...
After the worst fires in USA history, Compassionate Arts in Action in partnership with Posts for Peace and Justice, My Tribe Rise, and Pasadena Four Square Church Painted three (8 foot tall x 5 in) - “HOPE and HEALING FIRE POSTS.” These 3 Art Posts, and 2 more in the...
Atlanta’s National Center for Civil & Human Rights
So happy we have the National Center for Civil and Human Rights (NCCHR) in Atlanta, Ga.! A great place to hear great speakers, do a walk through the history of the civil rights movement, and learn what you can do about your own civil and human rights. The Posts for...
The Pillars of Mableton
PHOTO ABOVE: From left to right, Tanya McCain, Director, Mable House Art Center with Lead Artists: Kira Corser, Lisa Parsons and Leslie Couch Mableton, Georgia: A Story of Resilience and Renewal Mableton, Georgia, became a city in 1912 but lost its cityhood...
Empowerment Posts for Women’s Health Threats
Empowerment Posts for Women's Health Threats, 6 Posts about the mission of the National Cheers Foundation were completed during the months of July-Nov, including 28 participants from Southern California. The project hopes to save lives, Lead artists Kira Corser and...
“Nourished” Spring Artist 2019 Side Street Projects
“Nourished” was inspired by “Our Garden of Dreams” Dominique Moody’s fall artist project and the themes that came out of our fall community survey. In “Our Garden of Dreams”, Dominique Moody created a mobile community garden to join SSP’s fleet of mobile classrooms...
Compassionate Conversations in Minneapolis with Youth, Artists & Police
Compassionate ARTS in Action, in partnership with PostsForPeaceAndJustice.org (P4PJ), Art to Change the World (ACW) and South High School students, Minneapolis Police Officer Chard (who works at the school,) artists and teachers - all participated in a...
". . . Illuminate our resilience and take back our hope." - INTO ACTION We are excited to be producing a Compassionate ARTS/Posts for Peace and Justice Workshop with the ACLU and Community Leaders (see below) at INTO ACTION, in China Town, Los Angeles on Jan 13th,...
U.S. Human Rights Network Conference
We gave a Presentation, Powerpoint and Collaborative POSTS FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE workshop for 4 days at the U.S. HUMAN RIGHTS NETWORK Conference, Dec 7-11, Emory University Conference Center. Posts for Peace and Justice Leadership at the conference included: Kira...
Our Mission:
To support and build individual and community resilience, engagement, compassion, and cohesiveness, through creative, collaborative, inclusive experiences exploring and artfully representing relevant peace & social justice issues.
Using 6-8 foot vinyl posts made in workshops, “posted” in social media, and “hosted” in a variety of physical settings in an effort to raise awareness and stimulate thought and conversation leading to raising consciousness and taking civic action.
Showcase Of Recent Events
Many of our artists lost homes or jobs because of the worst fires in USA history. We are producing “HOPE and HEALING, Fire Posts.” These will be exhibited around burned communities as a way to strengthen resilience and at events to lift spirits and encourage hope and unity.
Kira Corser and Lisa Parsons were honored at the National Cheers
Foundation annual gala for creating 6 Empowerment Posts on Health Threats for Women: Overcoming Cancer, Autoimmune Diseases, Mental Health, Bone Health, Heart Disease, and one on the Vision of the Cheers Foundation’s work.
Dr. Jennifer Colby, the owner of Luna Gallery in San Juan Bautista, curated an exhibition of Kira Corser’s silk paintings from the last 10 years. The life-size paintings were created with 2 goals: working with communities to promote peace and kindness and with the Wellness for Children Project, on a kids workshop with puppets, books, video and art making to help teach coping skills for life challenges and disappointments. Dr. Qinqin Liu from Sacramento and scientist Deb Wilson-Vandenburg from Salinas, helped prepare for the workshops.
Sylvia, Kira and Heather in Pasadena planning the 2024 retreat with Aldonia R. Bailey and Maria Kostelas.
CAIA (Compassionate Arts in Action) Members and Cast Retreat in Monterey, California.
The Compassionate Arts in Action Climate Play cast by Sylvia Holmes at the Retreat.
CAIA visit to local art institutions: the Fallbrook Art Association and the Fallbrook Center for the Arts.
Using 6-8 foot vinyl posts made in workshops, “posted” in social media, and “hosted” in a variety of physical settings in an effort to raise awareness and stimulate thought and conversation leading to raising consciousness and taking action to resolve injustices.
Posts are generally made as a collaborative effort with everyone adding something to the completion of the post. We encourage diversity in participants to embrace multiple perspectives and greater universal understanding of the issues.
Every post has at least one professional artist who aids in development, design, application, final touches, and relaying principles of effective art techniques and principles.
Posts generally will include powerful, inspirational quotes: informational, eye-opening facts: visual stories: meaningful symbols; hand-prints of those involved in making or supporting the ideas on the post.
Lesson plans, workshop suggestions and templates, and educational videos will be available soon. If you would like to be involved please contact us!